Friday, August 10, 2012

Two stone...all that jazz

You would think from the title that this is going to be a post about all that I have accomplished with a minimum of effort.  Well, you'd be wrong.  This is going to be a post of all that I hope to accomplish.  And I'm pretty sure it's going to take a lot of effort.
So I blogged before about the schedule.  Henceforth to be known as "The SCHEDULE".  It's in all caps because it's just that important.  I know it's been over 3 years since Hector was deployed, but I just remember that time as well-organized.  At least it was well-routined.  With that routine I was able to accomplish a lot, and I had time to play with my son.  Since he's returned I have tried desperately to adhere to some sort of routine.  Unfortunately I have been derailed at many occasions.  One big obstacle was that over the past three years our lives have been so uncertain.  We never knew how much longer we'd be living some place, so it always felt so temporary.  When a place is temporary, there's really no need for a routine.
Another obstacle was, and is, the fact that my husband suffers from PTSD and mTBI.  For those of you unfamiliar with those two diagnosis, I forgive you your naivety and not understanding what those two things mean for establishing and maintaining a routine.  Trying to maintain a routine when one half of the partnership exists in chaos is difficult at the best of times and impossible the rest of times.
But we have reached a tenuous agreement that I will make up a schedule, and he will adhere to it.
So I am hopeful that we will return so semblance of normal, and my kids will reach some state of calm.  Those of you with kids will understand that children blossom when things in their life are constant and certain.  Those of you with kids with ADHD will especially understand this.  My son is much better able to control his impulses when he has a routine to look forward to.
And I will be better able to handle my life when there is a routine.  Up until now I have been struggling to get things done.  I have been scrambling to get things done on time more than I like to admit.  This means that my grades and everything else has suffered.
I have long wanted to get back into shape, but with no routine in place that has been difficult.
All that changes Monday.  On Monday we will have a routine.  And part of that is I go to the gym after bringing Munchkin to school.  I have worked homework time into that and a cleaning schedule.
And I'm asking for help.  I'm asking for some of you to keep me accountable.  I am going to do something dreaded by many women and make not just my before pictures public, but will also be posting the before measurements.  I'm going to do weekly pics, and monthly measurements.  Please keep help me stay motivated, and true to my course.  Of course I want to look better (anyone who says differently is a damn liar).  But equal to that is to stay healthy.  There's a lot of scary stuff in my family's history, and maintaining a healthy weight and diet will help me avoid the scary stuff.  So feel free to question me on my timeline on Facebook as to how I'm doing.  Making this as public as possible will help me stick to it this time.


Anonymous said...

You go girl! I fully support you in this new plan and I know that once it gets going it will make everything go much more smoothly. Remember the end goal every time it sucks to get team Hector to stay to a schedule (both of them!) and stick to your guns. This is the best for you and your family. I seriously admire your courage posting 'before' and 'after' shots, that level of dedication assures success! Call me if you need a pep talk :) or really anything else

Anonymous said...

You go girl! I fully support you in this new plan and I know that once it gets going it will make everything go much more smoothly. Remember the end goal every time it sucks to get team Hector to stay to a schedule (both of them!) and stick to your guns. This is the best for you and your family. I seriously admire your courage posting 'before' and 'after' shots, that level of dedication assures success! Call me if you need a pep talk :) or really anything else